Michael Cooley
to share your Bennett Y-DNA results
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Genetic / Genealogical Hybrid Tree
The following table is simply a bare summary of the results and can be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet. This is helpful for keeping track of larger projects. With the exception of those indicated by an asterisk, the novel SNPs (novel variants) can be tested at YSEQ.net for $18 each and a one-time kit fee of $6 for the first order.
KIT | TREE | MRCA | TEST | NOVEL VARIANTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#MK74700 | FTD42813 FTD42993 FTA28875 FTD43107 FTD43153
| #246825 | FTD92700 FTD91186
| #102338 | FTE33639 MF227753 FTE34176 FTE34557 FTE32956
| #980200 | MF86780
| #535811 | BY172983
| #B842365 | FTC37598
| #777583 | FTF79403 FTF76975
| #157793 | FTE70018
| #150990 | --
| #1008281 | 19930275=CT 2814492=CT FTE10223
| #881393 | FTC75110 FTC78062 FTC78648 FTC83096 FTC83403
| #451520 | FTC79001 FTC86769
| #157081 | --
| #268737 | --
| #112655 | FTE33746 FTE33804 FTE34129
| |
* SNP cannot undergo Sanger testing
A SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) occurs when there's a genetic change at a single position, for example an A mutated to a C. Each marker listed in the tree below is a SNP, and each one was manifested at the birth of a single man. This doesn't happen every generation but, if we had enough data, they'd all line up one after the other in a timeline. In other words, each of these markers is a direct representative of a specific man born at a specific time and place. For that reason, I like to say that "SNPs are people too." It's not literally true, of course, but conjures an image that is reasonably apropos.
Every marker above is a direct genetic representation of the first man born with that marker. However, each marker could represent three or four more men not born with a new, unique marker.
Count the number of markers upstream of any one kit. Then multiply that by four generations. I'll leave it to you detemine how many years makes a generation. This can be done for all kits descended from any one haplogroup. Average the grand total to get an average timeline for the haplogroup. The word "average" is, however, the key. The more participants, the more that number will change.
This is a simplified, barebones, stripped-down SNP Tree (as above). It's called a Quick Tree merely because it can be created once new results are downloaded. It has the advantage of allowing a tested group member to easily trace their SNP lineage.
FTD42813 FTD42993 FTA28875 FTD43107 FTD43153
| FTD92700 FTD91186
| BY172985 FTE33639 MF227753 FTE34176 FTE34557 FTE32956
| BY172985 MF86780
| BY172985 BY172983
| BY172985 FT200461 FTC37598
| FTC78300 FTC80346 FTF79403 FTF76975
| FTC78300 FTC80346 FTE70018
| FTC78300 FTC80346 --
| FTC78300 FTC80346 19930275=CT 2814492=CT FTE10223
| FTC78300 FTC80346 FTC75110 FTC78062 FTC78648 FTC83096 FTC83403
| FTC78300 FTC80346 FTC79001 FTC86769
| FTC78300 FTC80346 --
| FTC78300 FTC80346 --
| FTC78300 FTC80346 FTE33746 FTE33804 FTE34129
Total SNPs: 57 |
STRs (Short Tandem Repeats) are the markers found on the results page of every FTDNA project. They're completely different from SNPs. For example, the number in the first column for the following markers, labeled DYS393, is merely the count of the number of times the sequence AGAT is repeated in the tester's cells. More about the markers can be found on the Wikipedia page for List of Y-STR markers.
The top line in this graphic, in gray, is the modal value. It represents the most common value found among each tester. The total number of mismatches any one tester has to the modal is noted in blue parenthesis next to the tester's kit number. This number is referred to as the genetic distance or GD. For example, a tester might be a GD of 1 from the modal's CDYb marker but with a total GD of 5 from the modal as a whole.
Here we compare the genetic distance between each tester rather than to the modal. This gives us a better idea as to how closely the testers are related to one another as opposed each to the modal, or mutual ancestor. The results tend to clump together by haplogroup. However, due to the volatile nature of STRs, the clumping is often inconsistent, as shown by the same graphics in the somewhat larger YP4248 Subclade Project. For this reason, STRs are unreliable for phylogeny. Nevertheless, the study can help direct us toward those kits that could provide the greatest impact on the project for Big Y upgrades.
The color version results from replacing the numeric values with color values. This doesn't tell us much for small groups but can be informative for groups of ten and more.